How to Change Atom Text Editor’s Default Key Bindings

I want to show you how to change your key bindings in the Atom text editor. This is something that I’ve been having some trouble with for some time because, if you’re like me, you have the Command + S buttons combined with something else on your Mac.

I have it set for text-to-speech. But in Atom, that’s the save button. And every time I click on Command + S to save, it starts speaking to me, and it doesn’t save. So I need it to change that key binding. And that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do today. 

How to change atom default key binding

In this video, I loaded up Atom, and I’m going to go to Atom, preference, and key bindings, and here you’ll see all of the possible key bindings, what they do, what the combination is, and what they control, and you know, where it’s stored, etc.

Total Time: 1 minute

  1. Find the command you want to change

    First, find the command you want to change on the key bindings page. In my case, it was the save Command, so I typed in Save, Click Enter, and these are all things that came up right here. It says “sources user” because I already changed this previously. So I changed the Shift + Command + S because previously, it was command s to save. And again, that’s what I use for text-to-speech. And it just had conflicts that wouldn’t ever save. 

    I don’t know what the priority is right now. When I click shift commands, it saves in the save as a pop-up doesn’t come up, so that’s great. That’s exactly what I want. So I don’t know if this is taking priority or what, but it’s working for me.

  2. Copy and paste the code

     So now that I have done that, I can click on the little icon, and it will copy it.  And now I can click on this. And what will pop up on the keybindings map page? So all you have to do is go to that page and paste whatever you’ve copied over, and then start manipulating it right there. So if you want to, let’s say, X instead of S to save for whatever reason. (I don’t know why you would want to do that, but if you did want that, then you can change it right there) And that’s it.

So after you finish manipulating the page the way you want it and changing your key bindings to whatever you want, click save, and that’s it.

Are you a visual learner? Check out my video below, titled “How to Change Atom Text Editors Default Key Binding | Accessing Key Mapping and Configuration File” from my YouTube channel, as I show you all this firsthand.

Video called “How to Change Atom Text Editors Default Key Binding | Accessing Key Mapping and Configuration File” from the Yerain Abreu YouTube channel.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Do you still have questions? Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about the Atom text editor.

Is Atom an IDE or a text editor?

Atom is a totally free and open-source text and code editor.

Why is Atom a hackable text editor?

Atom is open source, meaning that you may access the source code for Atom and make changes to make it work for you. Atom is known as “the hackable text editor” due to its many configuration options.

Is Atom text editor shutting down?

Yes. Unfortunately, Attom is officially shutting down on December 15, 2022.


Okay, so that concludes this article. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below (I read and reply to every comment). If you found this article helpful, check out my full blog and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks for reading!

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